Friday, November 13, 2009

So I was on a date with Eric, and I totally saw a guy in a poncho! Yeah! Like total fopaw! He was running like way, way friggin fast! Under his arm was a flat screen T.V. He totally robbed the store!! Can you beleive that? Eric, being the cool guy he is, stood up and pushed the table away and tore off his proper buisness atire and looked at me and said, Well go after him Bobby! I can't! I looked at im and was all like! Hello?! Eric, I'm just a girl, I can't run in these heals!! So, needless to say, Eric was a chicken and the guy got away! I broke up with Eric and that night and I have felt lonely ever since. I don't even want to go on anymore. I don't know what to do. And then, I went to the mall, and he was totally there with some other girl. Jerome says he was gay. I don't think he is. I think he's confused. I will write later. My tears are going to ruin my pink laptop.
Bobby ♥

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